
Suwa Dekma 2023 Local Foods & Ayurvedic Exhibition

“Suwa Dekma” a Local Foods and Ayurvedic Exhibition was held at Divisional Secretary’s Office premises, Weligama on 11th December 2023  (from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM). This exhibition was organized by Caritas SED Galle in collaboration with the Divisional Secretary’s Office, Weligama, Agrarian Centre Mirissa, Department of Ayurveda of Southern Province and “Sithamu” Women Agricultural Societies.                  
The exhibition was held successfully with the participation of Very Rev. Fr. Charles Hewawasam, (Vicar General  of the  Diocese of Galle),  Ven. Susima Thero of Pelena Gangarama Buddhist Temple, Honorable Maulawi,  Ms  Rukshala S. Paranavithana (Asst Divisional Secretary, Weligama) and staff, Mr  Austin Perera (Manager) & staff of Caritas SED Galle.

The purpose of holding this exhibition was to raise awareness of the participants regarding the  value of  local food items available in Sri Lanka such as varieties of local vegetables, leaves, herbal plants,  varieties of yams, different types of tubers, lentils, spices/condiments (cinnamon, pepper, cardamom, cloves, ginger, curry leaves, turmeric), different types of legumes, herbal drinks etc. The Ayurvedic Community Medical Officers explained the value of these local foods which are nutritious,  inexpensive and affordable. Although there are many varieties of local food items of nutritious value, only a limited number of local food items are used for consumption.

The participants learned lessons about the value of locally grown food items, the barriers to proper nutrition and the need to change their dietary patterns to use locally acceptable, affordable and sustainable local food items which contain nutritious value.

School children from many schools around Weligama visited the Exhibition and they had the chance  to see many locally grown food items as described above.

This programme provided awareness to children, youths, women including elders on the value of consuming local food items which guided them to change their dietary pattern to consume locally food items  which are inexpensive and affordable to increase their nutrition level and keep them in good health.

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