
An Origami Programme at Hambantota

This Programme was held at Nadiganwila  Primary School with the participation of students sitting for 5th Year Scholarship Examination this year from Nadiganwila, Andaragayaya,
Kirindagama and Abeysekeragama Primary Schools in Hambantota District. Students of Grade 4 from Nadiganwila School also participated as this programme was held at Nadigamwila.

Teachers and parents of these students also took part in this Programme.

The aim of this Programme was to prepare the students for 5th Yr Scholarship Examination and also to relieve them from mental pressure, improve their mental health with healing copying skills.

The purpose of making origami is a fun activity to learn about geometry, ability to reduce stress  and boost their creativity and promote learning and education.
The Resource Person who conducted this Origami Programme  was Mrs Shiromi Seneviratne who is a Graduate from the University of Kelaniya who has undergone a special training in Origami Programming from Japan. She also conducts Origami Programmes in Rupavahini and other media channels in Sri Lanka.

This Origami Programme was held  with the presence of Rev Fr Lasantha Fonseka (Director of Caritas SED Galle),  Miss Chaturani Hettiarachchi (National Coordinator of Primary Education ), Mr Chandima Pereira (DC Coordinator) and other DC Galle staff.

Along with this Origami Programme,  children from all participating schools were also distributed with nutritional dry ration packs under Code No 1.7 ( Provide nutritional packs to children).

The parents  of the children in their feedback  expressed their gratitude and thankfulness for providing nutritional packs to them as  these children are from most poor and vulnerable families and it was a consolation to them in view of the present hardships they undergo due to current economic crisis in the country.

Question Papers  were also provided to the children under Code No 1.8 (Educational Packages for children).

Nutritional dry ration packs were also distributed to the children at Wanigasiri Primary School on 19th July 2023.  Rev Fr Lasantha Fonseka (Director of Caritas SED Galle),  Miss Chaturani Hettiarachchi (National Coordinator of Primary Education ), Mr Chandima Pereira (DC Coordinator) and other DC Galle staff also participated in this distribution ceremony.

















